Saturday, January 24, 2015

Feast Or Famine? For Me...It's Time To Feast

You know how some people believe that when the planets align, something big is going to happen, or those who say, "When it rains, it pours?" Perhaps you don't know anyone like that. Perhaps you do. When I think about the first two months of 2015, my mind thinks of things like planets aligning and pouring rain.

I can't believe the things that are happening to me in the next couple of weeks--each one would be newsworthy on its own, but you add them together, it's almost overwhelming!

A few months ago I was informed a short story I submitted to Xchyler Publishing was selected for their upcoming anthology. This was special news to me because about two years ago Xchyler gave me my first break in the publishing game--a short story in Mechanized Masterpieces Steampunk Anthology, or MMSA for short. That, in turn, opened up many new doors for me and is still providing benefits to this day. The next edition comes out next month, Mechanize Masterpieces II, and this one's going to be a great book as well. I'll be sure to update my blog with the book release information. Again, a very exciting development.

Speaking of books, for the past several months I have been working to get a collection of short stories published. After months of edits and working here and there on the project, Speckled became available to the general public in both paperback and Kindle versions (you can find them: HERE...).

 Over the past two years I've gotten to know a lot of writers, many of them newly-published authors. I've read of their reactions to getting a box containing fresh, never before read copies of their published book in the mail and the incredible feeling they have as they open the box and see those beautiful books, all awaiting anxious readers (whether the readers knew it or not...). I can say with one-hundred percent certainty that those newly published authors were not exaggerating. It was a very cool thing to experience.

The reason I wanted to get my book done was the upcoming Salt Lake Comic Con FanX event happening at the end of January. Because of some wonderful people, I've been privileged enough to be a panelist at each of the past Salt Lake Comic Cons. This time, however, they chose to highlight me as a featured guest. That was a shock, a shock about which I am very happy. Many of my friends have been featured guests in the past, and for good reason. They've earned it. As for me, I'm working on it. I'm excited for the con that begins in less than a week.

Also at this year's FanX Comic Con Xchyler Publishing will have a table--the first time our publisher has had an official presence at this convention. I will be there with not only great writers, but great people.

Which brings me to the last of the cool things that seems to be converging--next month's Life, the Universe and Everything convention (or LTUE...) begins its thirty-third installment. I've gone twice before to LTUE, once in 2012 as a attendee and last year as a panelist. This time the cool people at LTUE highlighted me being a panelist. There are bigger conventions, but LTUE is the most affordable and one of the most fun events I've ever been to. It's a great place to really get to know the local talent as well as some of the biggest names in the business.

So there it is! Two books, two conferences all in the next couple of weeks. I'll be on panels aside amazing writers and talking to the best audiences that can be found anywhere.

It's a good thing I'm not in a play rehearsing five times a week or that I have a major project at work coming on-line at the beginning of February, because...well, that would be just nuts!

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