Monday, November 16, 2015

"Babes In Toyland"...Begins This Week!

When you do a show at Christmas, a time period that already flies by goes even faster. I can't believe we open Babes in Toyland this week and before you know it, the year will be over.

This show has brought a lot of new experiences for me and the rest of the babes. It's a completely new show, new music, new characters. And because it's not "set in stone" to the point that everyone who comes to see it knows every part of the show by heart, things can be adjusted as we rehearsed and learned the show. There's been plenty of "adjustments" made along the way. But they're good ones, each change makes the show better.

This morning on a local morning news broadcast, they interviewed some of the principles in the show and showed some some video from our last rehearsal. Somehow I got a lot of face time. You can watch the entire segment: HERE.

If you come see the show, remember, I'm the dumb one. Actually, playing the fool has been a blast and (not surprising to many...), it's been a relatively easy part for me to do. If you're interested in seeing the show, check out the theater's website: HERE. And if so, let me know--I might be able to help a little on the ticket price.

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