Monday, March 26, 2018

What A Difference Time Makes...

If you're on Facebook at all, you may get those "Memories From the Past" posts on your timeline. I get them all the time. That happens, I suppose, if you've posted at least one thing every day since January, 2011. This morning a picture I posted on this day seven years ago showed up.

What a difference a few years can make.

In Centerville, a town just to the south of us, there's a pizza place called Zeponie's. The food is fantastic. Unfortunately, because of food sensitivities, we can't eat there anymore, but I remember the food with fondness. It was good.

The atmosphere inside it kitchie, too. When we visited, March 26, 2011, they had album jackets covering the walls. At one end, they had an entire section dedicated to the comedian, Bill Cosby. I remember looking at the body of work he created over the decades in awe. It was impressive. It still is, considering how tough it is not only to get into the business, but to remain at the level he achieved for so long. I believe, at one time, he was the highest paid male entertainer in the world. I could be wrong on that--I'm typing from the hip here--but if not the highest paid in the world, definitely one of the highest paid.

I haven't been in the restaurant in a long time. I don't know if they still have album covers adorning the walls. If so, I wonder if they still have Mr. Cosby's album covers up.

My guess is, there's no way they're still there. 

I know little about the Cosby situation, other than what's been reported in the news. I haven't researched it or dug deeper. The information's most likely out there--I just don't want to know about it. Growing up when I did, comedy albums were one of the only ways to experience the genius of comedians, and Bill Cosby's stuff was unbelievable. I also watched the animated Fat Albert TV series Saturday mornings. The show taught important messages. It all seems so hallow, now, but at the time, I'm sure those messages changed lives.

I haven't looked into the stories of what's happening now because I don't want to know. It's like part of my childhood's been ripped from me, or worse yet, as if it was a fraud all along and I never saw it. Funny how the advantages of maturing don't seem like advantages sometimes. Yes, I'm sure the pictures have been removed. I can definitely understand the decision to remove them, and I don't blame the Zeponie's for doing it. It's just too bad those amazing memories couldn't have just stayed that way.

1 comment:

  1. I’ll have to visit there next week and let you know. My dad lives in Centerville and I will be in town for a few days :) We should meet up.
