Wednesday, May 9, 2018

From Ogden To Roy...On The Train...Time-Lapsed

I took the train home from a conference this afternoon. As we departed the station I set my phone on the table, activated the time-lapse video option and began filming.

I don't know what it is about time-lapse video, but I enjoy it a lot. Maybe it's because I'm the one who watched the scene play out before my eyes  and so watching it played back in super-fast motion is cool.

I thought it might be interesting (again, perhaps more for me than others...) to capture some screen shots of what I saw that are taken from the video. I challenge you to see if you can spot these shots in the video. It's probably not a fair challenge due to the poor video quality allowed on these blogs.

Traveling by train you see life from a different angle. One thing that always stands out to me is being able to see the backyards of people's property. We put in so much time and effort (well, when I say "we" I'm not specifically saying "we" as in "I"--I mean it more as "we" as in society...) to making sure the front of our homes look so good because that's what most people see. The train allows us to see a different side.

And at the Roy Station, they have giant shovels. I've not seen a lot of giant shovels in my life, but they have several. And I got a picture of my hand steadying the camera as we went under a bridge. So, for today's blog post, I give you my trip from Ogden to Roy as seen through the time-lapse video player. Enjoy!

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