My son's an artist--a digital artist, a self-taught artist. He's designed calendars, t-shirts, Christmas cards, and numerous other things. He also creates YouTube videos, videos that have been seen millions of times. It's an amazing accomplishment that a single individual can deliver a message to literally the entire planet.
I'm sure my father would be blown away had he lived long enough to see our times.
The latest creation is a ying/yang sort of picture with a skeletal gadget character acting as master creator, a being in control of the elements as he conjures fire and ice and makes them dance. Personally, I love it! He produced the picture, then threw it into the digital universe. And as things happen, he received a positive response, so he decided to utilize the website, Designed by Hümans to spread the love through art.
Check out this Twitter Testimonial!
And today the shirt our oldest ordered arrive! I'm jealous--I've got to get one of my own.
If you'd like to order one of these classics, click: HERE for the link on Designed by Hümans. He also has designs available on Red Bubble. You can access that website by clicking: HERE. Order this shirt--the design is guaranteed to get looks and comments, and good ones, at that!

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