Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Yeah...This Is Me--I Do This

Yup--I saw the meme and I knew I am the "me" in the middle. 

That darn em dash.

It's addictive.

And that's the problem.

Or is it...?

Writing is the most unusual of endeavors. The more I learn about it, the more I try and experiment, the more entangling it becomes. So, when you come across a different way of expressing yourself, you check it out. Of course, you start slow...a little experimentation here and there. You tell yourself, "hey, I like it, but I can stop anytime."

But, can you...can you really?

I'm sure there's many college papers--many books and other sources--written about how best to use comma, colons, em dashes, and all the rest are out there. I've read basically none of them. I go by what I feel, what flows from the mind to the fingers to the keyboard and ultimately, to the page. Do I use em dashes too much, or not enough? Should I use other forms of punctuation more...or less.

Writing is an art form, as authentic as painting or photography or dance. Part of the beauty of writing is looking back at the finished product--being a part of that process is amazing when it works. I'll keep trying and experimenting. Maybe, because of this post, I'll think twice about using the em dash.

Then again--probably not.


  1. It's the ellipses for me... This cracked me up, Scott! (Jenn O.)
