Saturday, August 10, 2024

Boy...This Is Spot On

 I ran across this meme the other day. My first thought was some American was dissing Europe. And, it is, but it's also something else...

Spot on correct.

I'm by no means an expert on European cities. I've visited a few and lived in a few, mostly in Denmark. From what I've seen, Denmark is similar to many northern European cities, which are similar to central and southern European cities.

This map points out some basics of any city, European or American or Canadian or Australian. There's a business district, an art district, and, unfortunately, a drug dealer park. It's the way humans organize themselves. Heck, it would be a fun project making a similar map of Utah towns...the only differences are which side are the mountains on and is there a church on every corner or every other corner?

I'm not familiar with ItchyFeetComic, but they did a good job on this map. I especially liked the Post Cardy Old Town and the Pigeon Owned Central Station.

Even if you haven't spent a lot of time visiting European cities, I believe you'll find this funny, as did I. 

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