Thursday, July 4, 2024

Bombs Bursting In Air...

 We spent the day away from home, at the home of friends. It took a three-hour drive to get there, and just as long to get home. As I write this post, bombs--albeit small ones--are literally bursting in air all around us. 

Our neighbors spent good money on pyrotechnics this year.

Fireworks represent celebration the world over. When I lived in Denmark they fired off the noise makers to ring in the new year. But to me, fireworks will always represent America...strange, considering the USA didn't invent fireworks.

When I see them, hear them, even smell the sulfur, memories of days off, cookouts, and sitting in our front yard anxiously awaiting a fireworks display from Lagoon Amusement Park come to mind. I miss those Lagoon fireworks. Back then, their displays were not stellar, but Lagoon had the best show in town.

It's later...most of the arial bombs have exploded. Tomorrow night, there'll be more possibly, then in a couple of weeks, the cycle begins anew as our state--and not our country--celebrates its existence.

More bombs bursting...

More America.

I love it.

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