Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Notice Anything Unusual About This Fan...?

 It's what you don't see that makes the photo of this fan interesting.

Years ago my wife and I got some passes to a local gym. It was a new gym with all the bells and whistles, but there's something I notice that maybe others missed...these huge ceiling fans overhead. I'm not good at estimating so I can't tell you just how big these fans are, but I think each blade is probably about twenty-feet long.

Yup...big fan.

It wasn't only the size of the fan caught my attention. The company name was printed on the blades...

Big Ass Fans.

I thought at the time it was a great name. It told people exactly what the product was and what it did.

Fast forward a decade or so and I found myself in an arena at our local fairgrounds. I looked up and noticed they had several Big Ass Fans working away above us, moving the air, doing their job without fan fair (sorry, not sorry...).

But, if you see the above photo, you'll notice something...actually something that's missing.


I smiled. I knew the word should be there, but wasn't and I'm pretty sure why the word was removed. We live in a fairly conservative community. They removed the word so as not to offend.

I don't think anyone there knew the word was missing. That's the genius of it. How can you be offended if you don't know something's offensive to begin with?


Well played Box Elder County Fairgrounds...well played.

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