Friday, July 5, 2024

So, What Do You'All Think Of Popeyes...?

 Yesterday, coming home from a day with family, we were tired and hungry...usually not a good combination. "Where do you feel like eating?" we asked the boys as we left the canyon road and hit the interstate.

"What's around?"

Good question.

There were the usual fast food joints and we rattled them off. I knew I was hungry and I could have eaten at any of them, but nothing sounded good. We just knew we needed to get food before we got home. I took from the lack of responses from those in the van felt the same way I did...nothing sounded good. Then, from the van's third row, our youngest asked...

"What about Popeyes?"

Both my wife and I said that sounded great. Turns out we were only about twenty miles from the nearest Popeyes. We stopped, got dinner, then headed back home.

While my wife and I waited for the food, I said to her that I wished our small little community had a Popeyes. We love their food, but I don't know how much we'd eat there...we no longer really eat out on a regular basis. Still, like last night, I'd be great to have the option.

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