Monday, October 15, 2018

My First Cold Telecommute...

When you live in a climate where it freezes outside during the year, there's that one day when you know there'll be more cold days than warm ones. For many, they worry about the first frost, a cold that kills crops and signals the changing of the season.

Last night was that time for us.

I knew the cold weather was coming. This autumn's different for me. For the first time in twenty-one years, I'll be working at home through the winter. And that's something to consider when you're working in an unheated basement.

When we built the house fifteen years ago, we knew we wouldn't be finishing the basement--we needed a place to store stuff. We did put up insulation, but we never put in any heating or a/c vents. Over the years we've moved stuff in and moved stuff out of the storage room and we didn't need it to be "comfortable" in there. That changed once I got the assignment to work at home.

I first began working in the basement in the summer and in the mostly underground basement room, things were nice. It was cool when temperatures outside hovered around 100º. I'm not sure how cold it got last night--possibly freezing--but it was a tad chilly when I clocked in.

When I set up my office, I knew I'd need a heater. I found one online, and another in a thrift store. As long as I'm bundled up in layers, it's okay to be in the basement.

When I found out I was I was going to be working at home, I thought about how nice it would be not having to navigate the roads in the winter. I still look forward to staying at home when things get really bad. Happy to say that the first cold day (and they're going to get colder...) was a toasty success.

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