Monday, June 17, 2019

But...We Don't Even Have A RV!

I've blogged about this subject before. Big Brother is alive and well and listening in on our conversations.

And here's the proof.

And ad for RV insurance showed up on my Twitter feed and we're miles from ever owning an RV. The other day my wife and I were talking about RVs. I've been working for the same company for over two decades and since I'm in in my 50s, the "R" word (retirement...) is no longer one of those things that will never get here. Also, on occasion, I've checked out an ad for an RV or two. I find it interesting to see how much these things cost.

I have no idea if we'll ever get a RV. I mean, we don't go anywhere really right now. What makes us think we'll load up a mobile house and drive all over the place? Still, it sounds like fun, driving to interesting places, sleeping in a bed I'm familiar with instead of motel rooms, preparing meals in a a tiny kitchen...oh, how would it be?

No, I don't believe we'll be buying a RV anytime soon, but the good news is, if/when we do, we know Farmers ® offers specific options for our motor home. After all, it's not quite a home or a car.

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