Saturday, June 27, 2020

So...We're Growing Potatoes

I don't know whose idea it was originally, but this spring, we planted several potato plants...

And they've exploded.

Who knew?

We haven't had a lot of success growing things in our garden lately. We used to be able to grow tomatoes without even trying. This spring we planted several tomato plants and some are doing great. Others...not so much. Maybe it's the dirt.

Maybe we're cursed.

If so, the curse has not affected my son's potato plants. Both my mom and dad grew up on Idaho. They grew seed potatoes where they're from. My understanding is seed potatoes are just what the name says--potatoes used to grow other potatoes. I didn't talk to my parents too much about growing potatoes. My mom's family had a dairy farm and my father was a cop when he lived in Idaho. Not that much potato experience.

My son wanted to try and see if he could get potatoes to grow in the state to the south. So far, so good. The plants are huge and we keep having to buy top soil to heap up on the plants. I think we're stopping because if we keep going, the plants will get so tall, they'll impact the sprinklers.

I'm excited to see how this growing experience turns out. He planted Yukon Gold potatoes, and I like Yukon Gold potatoes. Will they get to be monster size like those planted in The Gem State? Personally, I doubt's hard to de-throne a king. I'm sure--if we can harvest them--they'll be great.

Growing potatoes in Utah...I guess it's a thing.

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