Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Things Are Happening In This Little Town...

 It seems I do this...I'll look up and see the scene before me and snap a picture. It happened to me a few days ago. I was driving into town, the road heading almost due east. Before me a snow-capped mountain range. To the right a neighborhood auto dealership, the left an open field soon to be turned into the expanding apartment complex already creeping west.

Yes, things are happening in the town we call home.

It feels like we just moved a few months ago, and because of that, the changes seem so sudden, so unexpected. We looked at some statistics. Between 2020 and 2021 the town increased 10% in population. We were part of that change. It was only about 1,000 people, but a 10% increase...that's a lot. If that continues, the town will double in size in less than a decade. 

Big changes already happened, big changes on the way. 

I still follow a few social media groups from the city where we used to live. I know the people feel fortunate to live there--and they are--but every once in a while there are complaints. It makes sense--the sites are set up to notify the city's residents of current events. There's a central theme among the comments--the city's growing too fast and it's hard to keep up. I can sympathize with them because what they are saying is completely true...the city's exploding and it's hard to keep up with all the changes.

Now, we drive around the nearly empty streets, do our shopping, run errands, enjoy the little town we call home. Because we went through it before, I know the complaints are coming. Some already see the writing on the wall...the people are moving here and there's not much anyone can do to stop it. 

Such is life. Best to make good decisions and try to keep up.

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