Sunday, July 7, 2019

Another Con Calls It A Day...

Well, I survived another one. Another con is in the books. Each are different--this one's no exception. 

SpikeCon, also WesterCon 72, NASFIC 2019, 1632 Minicon, and ManticCon 2019, began (unofficially...) Wednesday, July 3rd. It closed today, Sunday, July 7th. That's a five-day event. Most cons I've attended last two or three days, tops. I went to four of the five days, between Thursday and today. I'm not as tired as I usually am after attending a convention, mostly because I didn't spend all day there--it was hit-and-miss.

That isn't to say it wasn't good. 

I actually enjoyed myself very much. All the conventions I've attended have been in my home state. When you attend up to a half dozen cons a year in the same state, you start to recognize people, and because you recognize them, there's a good possibility, they recognize you. If they didn't want your book the first seven times you talked to them, they're probably not going to want it now.

Almost all the attendees at this convention were from out-of-state.

I had a great time getting to know new people and welcoming them here. I even sold a book.

What this con did for me that few others do was generate a desire to have my stories be looked at and considered on a bigger stage. The last couple of years, self-publishing seemed a fine choice--and it still is, but I think I'm going to aim higher, or at least, start to think that way.

I participated on two panels and I left those panel rooms with more knowledge than I had when I entered. I also met some wonderful artists, vendors, and fellow authors. If there was a negative, it's that there weren't more people there to enjoy the con. They could have doubled the number and have been fine, at least, that's the opinion of a humble panelist.

SpikeCon is no more. The convention center's closed and people are preparing to fly/drive home. I hope they enjoyed their stay. I know I enjoyed having them.

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