Thursday, July 11, 2019

Anticipation...Even Dogs Feel It

When you have a house with two dogs and two cats, and almost none can be in the same room at the same time and your house is not very big. Well, what you have there is a houseful of trouble.

With a capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for "Pet."

It also rhymes with the "T" sound in kitty and puppy and doggie.

We've got one old dog and one young dog, one old cat and a kitten. Only the two dogs can be together in the same room, and that's a recent development. The old dog is most likely not long for this earth and then we'll only have three pets. Things may get easier by a factor of one.

But two of these animals we hope will become friends. The problem is, the big one could eat the little one...literally. We're waiting for the kitten to get a little bigger before he meets the poodle. Right now, the kitten stays sometimes in our bedroom and the dog knows where the kitten is. The dog spends hours sitting in front of the door and when the kitten comes close to the door, the dog really freaks out.

We're hoping the kitten can come out and play with the dog to save our sanity (and the door..). We know it'll happen. It's just a matter of time.

And patience.

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