Friday, July 19, 2019

Jodi Milner Blogged About Yours Truly...A Very Nice Thing For Her To Do

The tables were turned, so to speak. Today a wonderful author and a better person chose me as the subject of her author blog.

Such a nice thing for her to do.

Since I blog everyday, sometimes the subjects of what I choose to blog about can get pretty thin. That, in and of itself, is actually interesting since there are so many amazing things to blog about. Still, I find myself looking for blog subjects. And since I began writing stories and blogging, I have, in the past, blogged about my author friends and their works. I should write about them more--I should read more of their writings, but I do when I can.

There aren't many times when people blog about me. 

I get it--I understand. Not many people blog as much as I do, and they have their own world of options to highlight. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I like writing about my friends and what they're up to. I just wish more people read my blog so they could get more coverage. One difference between Jodi's method and mine is Jodi sent me questions for her blog beforehand--I usually write about people without them knowing about it until it's published.

So, one good deed deserves another. Here's the link to Jodi's blog post she so kindly wrote about me. You can access it by clicking: HERE. If you're reading my blog, give Jodi's a look-see. And while you're there, check out her other posts. Like I mentioned earlier, she's a wonderful author.

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