Thursday, July 8, 2021

When GPS Lets You Down...

 Good thing I had a whole afternoon with no particular place to be, because if I did, I would have been late, or not shown up at all.

I blame GPS.

Of course, I could blame other's just easier to blame "Big GPS" for my troubles.

Last week we needed help with our garden. We were excited to set up a drip line system for our newly-built garden. I knew where the nursery was so I headed out, but on my way I wanted to stop by the city's municipal complex. We were told we could buy planting soil the city created for its residents.

I looked up the address, enlisted the help of SIRI, then started out. I drove to where SIRI said the facility was located...


So, I enlisted a higher send me the address thinking I must have not have entered the correct address. She sent me a "valid" address, so I once again entered the address for SIRI, I put the car into gear and headed out, confident of my eventual success.

If you're unaware of Northern Utah, there are huge tracks of land where few venture and fewer live. I thought having a facility that provided the service we were looking for would be advantageous for the community--there's lots of space to store things.

I followed SIRI's directions and there was...nothing. Well, not nothing, but no facility. I snapped a picture and sent it to my wife.

I know this little story can't hold a candle to Michael Scott's fictional tell in The Office, but it's a lesson that technology can't fix all things.

...But I still love technology.

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