Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Maybe A City Counsel Person Moved Into The Neighborhood...

 We live on a hill...a slight hill, but a hill nonetheless. We live among neighbors who have children. We have children, but our kids are older and they do not play outside, ride bikes, or run around in the yard or in the streets. I don't necessarily worry about my kids being hit by a speeding car/truck/motorcycle.

But, others worry.

I can definitely empathize with my neighbors--parents of small children. There's something about living on a hill that makes people operating cars/trucks/motorcycles go faster. I know gravity is involved, but there's something else...a need to get to the bottom of the hill quicker...something buried deep in our D.N.A.

I know this because for the past fifty years, I've lived on another hill...a steeper hill...a hill where drivers flew down the hill. So, how can those anxious parents feel better about the neighborhood in which they live? They can get the cops to put up a speed trap. Last week one popped up on our street.

My first thought?

Maybe a city counsel person lives up here.

That's cynical, I know, but in my last neighborhood I notice speed traps (and not temporary ones, but permanent ones...) set up in neighborhoods where the mayor lived or city counsel members lived. Of course, I'm sure here were other reasons those neighborhoods had the radar guns primed to catch the baddies. On the street where I lived, we didn't have as many people as those larger neighborhoods so that may be the reason--I don't know, but it always felt that way to me...where the leaders lived got the speed traps.

I don't think a city counsel member or a mayor lives by us. Since the speed trap near us is on wheels, it may disappear one of these days...I'm sure it will. And I'm sure those parents are grateful it's there and hopefully, it makes us all safer, which is the only point of having those things in the first place.

Who knows? Maybe one day the mayor may be our neighbor. We shall see.

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