Friday, January 6, 2023

When Your Search Yields Good Results...


It took months and month of searching, but last week, me and my boys entered a second-hand media thrift store and came out with our prize.

This past summer our family went on a yard sale binge. Almost every weekend we'd load up the van--including our standard poodle--and search for treasure. Every once in a while we'd run into a stash of media, vinyl records, cassette tapes, and movies--VHS and DVD. We'd check every box, every crate, every nook and cranny for films we'd like to add to our quaint but increasingly ancient collection.

Every time we'd come up short.

You see, we were looking for the 1992 classic, Singles, a musical tale of heartache and triumph set in the grunge capitol of the world...Seattle. If you've seen it, you know. 1992 is when I graduated from college, when my wife and I got married. The film (even with some outrageous exaggerations...) is a cultural snapshot of the age, sort of a hipster anthem. 

It has, apparently, failed to speak for future generations.

This store in Logan is amazing. It's in the Cache Valley Mall, a once-sprawling oasis for most things retail. Now, it's a shell of its once-former self. This second-hand consignment store set up shop in an anchor space and it's huge. They have video games and players for every era. They have novels, magazines, trading cards, and yes, VHS and DVD movies. My wife and I visited the store several months ago. We searched the stacks and stacks of movies, but not Singles

Last week, however, it was there and I snatched it up.

It's a tale with a happy ending...just keep searching and good things happen. At least, it did this time.

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