Sunday, October 20, 2019

Career Advice...According To George Burns

In a building that once housed both performers and audience members (but, now only performers...), on a back wall under the dressing rooms, is a framed quote hanging for everyone (everyone, with access, that is...) to see.

I saw it.

I snapped a picture.

It wasn't until I looked at it later that I realized to whom the quote is credited.

"I would rather be a failure at something I love, than a success at something I hate."
George Burns.

I don't know if it's just the entertainment industry, but that philosophy permeates many who have chosen that career. The quote is both comforting and terrifying at the same time, especially for one who had at one time, thought about considering performing as a career.

I find the quote additionally interesting considering the source. During my entire lifetime (until he died...), George Burns was always old. His career spanned vaudeville to radio to films to television, and he excelled at each. I've not done any in-depth research on the man or his life. I'm sure he had trials and it wasn't all easy, but that quote from that man tells me he truly loved what he did.

The terrifying part comes from needing to succeed at a level where you can support yourself, or others. Because failing means more than just not succeeding. It means homelessness, starvation, and ultimately, death.

Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but those are considerations that come to mind when I think about quitting a good job just because I don't absolutely love it.

For me, I think the best thing about the quote is it made me think. It made me remember that there are all kinds of people out there, some willing to take the chance, to risk everything, for their dream. It's what makes this big old world a little more fascinating.

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