Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Oh...Those By-Gone Skiing Days

 Last Saturday my wife and I went to a yard sale. They had some fun things. It's sometimes the small items that are the most interesting.

Case in point, I saw a pamphlet sitting among a bunch of postcards, postcards with artwork from famous movie posters. They would have cool to send out, but I never send real mail anymore so I knew buying those would be a waste. 

The pamphlet, however...

That's gold.

I asked if I could take it and the seller agreed. It's a pamphlet for the upcoming 1984 - 1985 ski season at Brighton Ski Resort. Brighton was not my "resort of choice" back in the day. It's not that I disliked Brighton--I actually liked the resort quite a bit. It's just that SnowBasin, Powder Mountain, and even Solitude were closer. Traveling to the Salt Lake resorts wasn't that far out of our way so we'd hit Brighton/Solitude or Alta/Snowbird a lot. 

Most of the time we skied Brighton was the night skiing.

The biggest "wow" I got from the pamphlet was the prices. $10 for an all day ski pass, and even more mind-blowing is it only cost $16 to ski all of Brighton and Solitude. Hard to believe.

Something's happen in the almost four decades since the pamphlet was printed. Millions of people (literally...) moved to the state and the price of going skiing increased...increased by a lot. I hardly ever go skiing now. I miss it, sure, but there are other things I enjoy, too. My one regret is that my kids didn't get the opportunity to enjoy skiing the way my wife and I did growing up.

Yes, the pamphlet brought back some wonderful memories...funny, how it was created to get skiers excited for the upcoming season. All these years later, it still elicits a response.

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