Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Maple Canyon, Utah...The Place Is Crazy

 Back on Independence Day we experienced an amazing place...Maple Canyon in Sanpete County. If you know the place, you'll agree, it's crazy.

But in a good way.

Earlier this month our family went on a short road trip (for us, a couple hours on the road now seems short...) to visit family. We only stayed a day and on our way out of town, we drove to Maple Canyon. It's just west of Moroni, Utah.

I've lived in Utah almost my entire life and done some hiking. This place was unlike anything I'd ever seen. The canyon walls are not smooth red rock canyons like you'd find in many places in Utah. In fact, the canyon walls were anything but smooth. The best way I can describe it is the canyon was made up of cement with rocks, small and large, left open exposed to the elements. Just looking up I kept wondering if the rocks would come loose and fall on our heads, even though those rocks could have been there in that state for years, even decades.

We saw some climbers making assents and descents. I know it's sturdy, but I kept wondering if the hardware embedded into the walls would actually hold. Apparently, it did.

If you are interested in out-of-the-way fascinating places and you find yourself in central Utah, check out Maple Canyon. It's a trip.

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