Saturday, April 30, 2022

Honored...Humbled...Won Another Kovel

 In a perfect world, I would have been able to gather with friends for a week of creativity, board games, story swaps, and overall awesomeness.

Sometimes things don't work out.

Sometimes that's okay.

If you consider yourself a writer, you may be one of the fortunate writers who either arrange/create/participate in a writing retreat. I've been on a few in my writing career, though they've all been at the same place. I only have one frame of reference when it comes to writing retreats so I can't with authority speak for them all, but in my opinion. they're fantastic.

This year I wasn't able to attend for non-writing reasons. I did find myself at a work meeting held within a few miles of the annual event. On my way home, I stopped by. I believe this year's retreat was the best attended since I started going. The house is big...had I gone I most likely would have slept in the living room (or in my car...). I wouldn't care.

I got to say hi to many friends and fellow writers. And when I left, I was presented with an Edward M. Kovel Award. Yes, there are higher literary awards, but none mean as much to me. 

To the writers, those who gave up their time and home for everyone else, to the families that support their loved ones and allow them to take time off to pursue something they love, may your Kovel be filled with the tears of your enemies and my all your words flow like sparkling water.

Oh, by the way, my Kovel was for: 

Best Visit to a Mental Hospital...

Much-appreciated, and accurate, too.

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