Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Morning Breaks...

 Sunrise...never the same thing twice.

June arrived this week, the month with the longest day of the year, at least in this hemisphere. It's the month where the sun rises and gets to work before I do, on those days I work, that is. It's the month that when it concludes, half the calendar year is over...

It's also the month where everyone tells at least one other person, "I can't believe this year's almost half over."

June, a month where summer takes hold, where temperatures flirt with triple digits, where children are released from their secular religious studies and where they run freely in fields, in playgrounds, in basements where the "running" occurs electronically. It's also a month where pollen levels begin to subside--thankfully.

This morning's sunrise will differ from the one scheduled to take place (where we live...) in just under eight hours. The earth will shift just enough to allow direct sunlight to hit our house a few seconds earlier than when it did this morning. This will continue until the summer solstice when the entire process reverses itself and the days become ever so slightly shorter.

Yes, tomorrow the morning will once again break. Because I'm not required to be at my desk working, I will most likely miss it. However, those on I-15 and I-84 in front of our home will not miss it as they fly by either at or above the posted speed limit...they'll see it. They'll feel the temperature rise on their skin as sunlight floods their cars, trucks, even motorcycles. I wonder if they'll acknowledge the miracle occurring in the east as they travel, or will they simply adjust the visor?

Can't really blame them, nor can I judge them. At least they'll be up, and I'll be--hopefully--still asleep.

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