Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Toughest $126.33 I've Ever Earned...

 In the last decade or so, I've taken to my computer in the evenings--sometimes afternoons, but never after midnight--and cranked out something on this little blog. I'm doing that again right now. I find a photo (many times the picture inspires the blog...), add it, write three or more paragraphs of varying length, try to make the photo and words look/sound interesting, then hit "Publish" for all the world to see.

As of today, I have hit "Publish" 4,155 times.

And I've earned $126.33 for all that work.

Clearly, it's the toughest $126.33 I've ever earned.

I use Blogger as my blog host. It's Google's blogging service. I use it because it's simple, as are almost all of my posts. I've also enable ads to be posted on my blog. Having ads on my blog means the more  views I receive directly translates to cold hard cash. If you do the math, it means I've earned 3¢ for each blog post I've written and published.

Three cents.

I hope this doesn't come across as complaining. I truly do not mean to give this impression. I understand it's my responsibility to write and post things people want to see and read. I can't blame the public if I don't give them interesting things. And it's not like I put in a lot of time/effort/research into these posts, either. If you read them, you know this to be true. Basically, I'm giving an opinion on things, on my life, our home, our yard, my work, my family. I'm not a famous person. I don't have the biggest family--not a lot of people to draw upon for views. And, to be honest, I'm sure many of my friends/family are tired and/or bored of these daily offerings.

This is post #4156. If the numbers stand, I'll earn an additional three pennies. If you click on this and have stuck with me to this point, hopefully it's been worth your time. Since I like writing and sharing these posts, it's been worth mine, and if you've stuck with me today or any time in the past, I want to give you a sincere, thank you.


  1. I remember when you decided to start a blog! Seems like forever ago, but at the same time, it's amazing how fast that decade or so has flown by! ~Jen O.

    1. Yes, Wren/Jen--a lot has happened since that day, many changes...hope you and your family are doing well.
