Tuesday, November 14, 2023

So, What The Heck Is That...?

My wife ordered these things to help her in the production of freezer meals. After the first use, she was so excited--they worked amazingly well. It wasn't until after she praised the product that I saw it for the first time...

What the heck is that? I thought.

I then asked for and was given a demonstration. 

What you do is take a ziplock bag, open it, open the Baggy Rack (an official name...), set the open bag in between the "V" and insert the sides of the bag into the clips on the side of the rack. Now you have a self-standing device in which you can put all the good stuff. Once you're done, you unclip the bag, zip it up, and put it away.

It's magic!

And, if you think about it, it really is. Imagine trying to put in half a chicken, a can of tomato sauce, various herbs and spices in a bag that's just laying on the counter. Of course, if can be done, but why not use something to make life so much easier?

If you do an internet search for "Baggy Rack" you'll find dozens of choices you can order. And if you're thinking of preparing freezer meals and think the Baggy Rack could help, my advice is to get it--order it now and you won't be sorry. 

What the heck is it?

A Baggy Rack, that's what. 

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