Saturday, April 3, 2021

I Guess I'm One Of Those People Who Watch Movies...Again

 You can count on both hands how many times I have watched a first-run film in a theater over the past ten years. I might be off by a film or two, but I've probably seen less than ten films in the theater in the past decade.

It just wasn't something we did, for several reasons...price, time, kind of a pain to go to a theater, even though (before covid...), it was the best time to go see a show. You didn't have to wait in line...just order the tickets online. And modern theaters almost guarantee there's not a bad seat in the place.


It just wan't my thing. I would wait until it would come out on Redbox or cable, then watch it at home. Sure, I missed out on that "theater experience," but I was okay with that.

Enter covid.

That changed things.

There have been several films I have watched now that they're available both in the theater and at home. The latest being Godzilla vs Kong. I watched it last night. I agree with an associate, Kevin J. Anderson--the story was mheh, but the effects were outstanding. I didn't realize it until after I watched it that I was part of a group that I had not been a part of in a long, long time--the never saw films in the theater group. Getting a nice big TV after we moved has helped, too.

Years ago, before marriage and kids and other things, I went to movies all the time. My friends and I would pile in a car and see what latest movie was out that weekend. I didn't go every weekend, but enough that I considered myself a regular movie goer. This was, of course, before the internet and videos-on-demand. Then, the whole world was ordered inside and things changed even more.

I think I'll stay in this "watching movies before they hit cable" club as long as they allow me to do so. Many have wondered what the future of film entertainment will look like in the coming months and years. Who know...maybe all the theaters and more will re-open and people will flood back into the stadium reclining seats and they'll remove the "watch from home" option. If that happens, I guess I'll go back to just waiting around.

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