Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ten Years Ago, There Was Bob...And Uncle Sam

 Tonight, I'm sitting in front of my computer and I wondered about the past--more specifically, what I was doing ten years ago. I think about this type of thing from time to time, so I pulled up the blog post I wrote April 20, 2011. I don't know why I decided to look back exactly one decade ago from today, and not five years, or last year. No, ten it was.

I remember the day--or part of the day--very well.

It was the day Bob and Uncle Sam came to town.

The event was an expo for the Davis County Chambers of Commerce. I still think the idea was genius. My friend Bob, who runs a financial planning institution, wanted to have a visual demonstration of what happens (or can happen...) to your money, your investments. We hired an actor to portray Uncle Sam to take a PayDay candy bar and divid the bar into two sections. We gave one portion to the expo attendee and the other portion went into a toilet. 

The expo was an all-day affair. I only attended near the end. As I recall, it went okay. In my opinion they just didn't have the people attending. 

That expo took place ten years ago. I blogged about this when it happened and you can access the blog post: HERE, if you're interested, that is. As far as the part-time job went, it ended shortly after--I can't remember exactly when it ended. I don't think the company ever attended the expo again, or even if the expo took place. Too bad...it was fun when Bob and Uncle Sam hung out.

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