Thursday, April 15, 2021

Why In The World Would I Snap A Picture Of This...?

 I snapped this screenshot of my phone sometime between 5am and 6am this morning. By just looking, you see a conclusion of the last Solitaire game I played. It wasn't my best effort--I was almost four minutes off the best time (I have no idea how many games are considered in these numbers...). I was two moves off tying the fewest moves.

The reason I snapped the picture really, is because of the win streak...12,345 games in a row. Combine that with the % of games won and you reach the obvious conclusion...

I've played this stupid game too many times.

So, why take a screenshot? Why "remember" the moment? It's a pretty unremarkable moment. I'll most likely never return to the picture. There's no real meaning behind it. It's one of over 30k in my digital library.

And that's probably why I snapped the picture.

It wasn't because I was waiting for the time when I could get up and go to work, but more because modern photography is digital...a picture is almost nothing. Adding almost nothing times 30k, it becomes something. I have so many pictures just like this, pictures I'll probably never see again, and if I I don't see them, there's no way others will, either.

This picture will mostly likely sit in a cloud somewhere (and now on this blog post, for as long as it exists...). These were some of the things I thought about as I couldn't fall back to sleep and waited for the work day to begin...a silly little picture is now the subject of a silly little post.

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