Monday, May 10, 2021

Being A Photography Geek...I LOVE This!

 I saw a post the other day...the tag line caught my attention:

The World's Largest Photo of New York City

I mean, that's like crack to a photo junkie. I clicked on the link and I could spend hours--literally--hours looking at this photograph...and I've only been to airports in New York City. If you want to check out the site for yourself, click: HERE. You may have seen photos with super-high resolution before. In this photo of NYC you can zoom in and see make and model of cars and individual people walking the streets miles from the Empire State Building where the camera is positioned.

Of course, there's a dark side to everything. I suppose at any given time we're being photographed. I live in a very small town, but I'm sure there is camera surveillance all over even in this small town. It would probably surprise me, but it shouldn't.

Having said that, I still love the technology. There's a good chance I will probably never see NYC again in person. This site allows me to see things I can't see otherwise, see parts of New York they don't show in movies or TV shows. I think it's pretty cool.

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