Thursday, May 27, 2021

Never Worked SO Hard For...A Steak


"Hey...what do you think about barbecuing this weekend?"

My wife asked me the seemingly innocent question last week.

"Should be fine--we have half a bag of quick-light charcoal (should be enough...), and we've got almost a full bag of the non-quick-light stuff." I said "should be fine" because I thought I would be. The weekend came, I dug out the grill from the garage, brought it outside, dumped the quick-light charcoal inside, added a couple of the non-quick-light briquettes that would hopefully ignite, and retrieved the matches.

There was one thing I did not factor into my response, one aspect I did not--but should have--foreseen.

The wind.

It blows up here...the wind, I mean.

And it blows hard...the wind, I mean.

I thought the quick-light charcoal would light. Nope...I think the briquettes were too old. I tried so many times to get those started. The second the wind would die down, I would quickly light a match and the wind would kick back up. I even dumped twenty or so matches on the charcoal to try and overwhelm the charcoal with heat. Nope.

Because we moved recently, things we always knew where they were could be anywhere, or worse yet, they could have been discarded and not made the move with us. We almost gave up on barbecued steaks, but we went to search for lighter fluid, something we had at the old house and hoped it was in our new house. After a few moments...success. I went outside, flooded the charcoal with fluid and with one match, began to fulfill the promise I made to my wife.

To cut this already-too-long story short...the steaks were delicious.

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