Sunday, May 9, 2021

Give Thanks...The Story Had A Happy Ending


If you live in our neck of the woods, you may have heard of a situation last week concerning a lost hiker, and if you were following the reports, you know how it ended.

It didn't end that way for my cousin's family when their son went missing on a hike. For them, tears were shed...tears of sadness. The tears from the recent emergency were tears of joy, of prayers answered, of a successful search. Living, as we did, in that small town, we knew the neighborhood from which the hiker originated...our neighborhood. We recognized faces on the news of the searchers, of those hiking the mountain for signs--hopefully positive--of the person we know from a family we love. I wish I could have helped them search.

This weekend, I'm grateful that of all the outcomes that could have happened, the outcome that did happen was the one many worked for, and that we all wished and prayed for. If you spent any time on social media today, you were inundated with photos and thoughts of thanks for the mothers in their lives. I'm glad for one neighbor family, this year's Mother's Day had a happy ending.

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