Saturday, December 11, 2021

And So...It Begins

 We picked up the industrial strength butter cookies a few weeks ago. We knew then what we were doing...we always do, but that doesn't stop us from doing it again.

The dreaded Danish Butter Cookies.

They're dangerous.

Oh how we love them. 

It's deceptive, really. The tin is so big that you think--when you begin--that the deliciousness will go on forever. Your logical mind tells you that's impossible, but your tasty mind fights the logic. After all, a few butter cookies here and there isn't much. See--there's still loads left.

Then, you begin throwing away the white paper cups. In our house, the cookies with the sugar sprinkles go first. The top layer big deal--still have many left. Then instead of a cup missing here or there, the layers begin to go. Soon, the tin is half full.

How in the world can that happen?

With five people in the house, it happens. Each of us take a cookie here, a cookie there. There's really no way to stop it.

I have a connection to the cookies...more to the country after which they're named. Denmark. It's a small country, but world famous for its desserts. I was fortunate enough to live in the country for a couple of years decades ago. I still miss the bakeries and what's found inside. I feel I have an obligation to buy them every Christmas season. I owe it to my memories.

Next fall--having learned nothing--we will once again purchase the big tin and in December we'll open it as we did today. And we'll eat them all. And we'll love them all.

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