Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Secret To Their Success...It's Funny

 There's a saying out there that I've heard many times. I don't know where it originated or how long it's been around, but the fact that I still hear it, it must be true.

Funny is hard.

For example, in the world of acting, have you ever wondered why people who are best known as "funny" (comedians, comedic actors, etc...) can be excellent dramatic actors, but it's rare when an actor known for their dramatic rolls tries comedy? It's because it's tougher to be a good comedic actor than a dramatic one. It's not a two-way street.

I finished Marvel's latest television series last week, Hawkeye, and I was impressed. I wondered why I liked it so much--it had most of the elements found in a Marvel franchise...action, explosions, daring tricks that defy both logic and physics. No, the thing that they did well--and what almost ALL Marvel shows do well--is it was funny.

There were moments when I LOL'd--yes, laughed out loud. Looking back, the humor in those movies and series is, in my opinion, the one of the biggest keys to their success. In a similar way, we have been known to watch a lot of Hallmark movies, some may or may not be downloaded to our DVR at this very moment. There's one thing that all those downloaded Hallmark films have in common...

They're funny.

They have humor as a major part of the plot, of the dialogue, of the story. 

Of course, not all shows intended to be funny actually are funny. Writing humorous dialogue is one of the toughest things to do...ask any writer (the funny writers might say it's easy, and if so, don't believe them--they're being modest...).

I recommend Hawkeye. There's a good chance I'll watch it again, and when I do, I'll probably LOL...


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