Sunday, December 26, 2021

Give Thanks...Second (And More...) Chances

 You may have already seen this extremely funny meme (funny, of course, is subjective, but I think it's funny...).

There's a reason Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol is still read, performed, quoted, watched almost two centuries after it was written. It tells a story of a man with values that are misplaced and because of those misplaced values, his life has gone in a certain direction. The story teaches us that had he chose differently or embraced other values, things would have been different.

And because of the hauntings and the lessons taught (and learned...) in the story, Ebenezer Scrooge changes. He makes different choices and his actions directly affect the lives of many others.

Thank God for second chances.

As this year ends and a new one begins, many take time to reflect on where they are. Many make resolutions to improve their situation. They get a second chance. I've had (and needed...) more than my share of second chances. I'm grateful that they are there.

Dickens wove a ghost story that continues to impact us today. I'm glad he wrote a tale of second (and more...) chances. Now...if I only didn't need those second chances in the first place. That's the key.

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