Saturday, July 1, 2023

"Project Salamander"...One Chapter, Is Mine

 The people who are putting on a new writing conference next week in Utah got together and wrote a book. The plan was for each author to write a chapter until the entire novel is complete. I was on the e-mail list with other authors. Every couple of weeks, a writer would say his/her chapter was done and it was time to pass it off to the next creative artist.

Initially, I did not sign up for the project, but as the chapters kept adding up, I thought it might be fun to help out. So, when another author proclaimed their assignment, "Finished," I said I'd like a turn.

And so I did.

A little hint, if your author friends are writing a novel and each is writing a chapter, my advice is - volunteer early. Why? Because when you write early in the process, you don't have a lot of story to build upon. No, it's pretty much a blank slate. 

If you are one of the later writers, have to first, read (and understand...) what others have written, then you must adapt a chapter to not only match what's come before, but enhance and expound on the other's great words.

Such was my assignment.

And it was a blast.

The story had split into several side-stories. I chose one and continued the story. I'm not going to go into detail about the chapter other than to say I liked it. Once finished, I submitted it and a few weeks later, a new novel appeared. It's titled, Project Salamander. Love the title.

Here's the subtitle (which I also love...).

Don't Trust Anyone, Especially the Face in the Mirror

If you'd like to know more about the book, or better yet, BUY the book, you can get a copy by clicking: HERE. Even without knowing the ending, I recommend it.

Project Salamander, pick it up, support a great cause. One of the chapters is mine.

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