Friday, July 14, 2023

One Less Truth...

 A few years ago, I discovered, and it seems, the entire planet. I fell in love with them--couldn't get enough. I subscribed to podcast after podcast covering everything from writing to horror to true crime to humor to politics (some would say the political podcasts encapsulate all those others...). And, amazingly, I listened to them all, every day/week, religiously.

Now, I'm not so religiously inclined to podcasts. There are some I still listen to every day/week, but others, well...they've sort of fallen by the wayside. I'm okay with that. I realized I can't keep listening to everything that interests me--just not possible. 

One of the podcasts I particularly like is called The Truth. It's sort of a Twilight Zone of podcasts. The stories are a bit bizarre, strange, funny, but also thought-provoking. They're audio theater complete with different voices and sound effects. They're not too long (which is nice...) and something I almost always listen to.

The last episode I heard, there was a note from the podcast's creator. He calmly said that the podcast was taking a break, ending their string of shows. It sort of hit me funny. He said that the whole podcast industry was having a tough time and this includes their podcast. He said he hoped to return in the future, but he could not be certain that would happen. Though I know he tried, I felt a sadness in his words.

Maybe the industry has fallen on tough times because of people like me, people who used to be more zealous of the medium. I can't be sure.

Like blogs before it, the podcast craze may just be following its inevitable life span. The craze is born, it grows and flourishes, then when either the creativity lags or the attentions start to fade, people tune out and find the next great thing.

I felt bad for the speaker, for those he sincerely thanked for their hard work and dedication. Will it return? I'm sure they hope so and will do much to bring it back, but my guess is, I may have listened to the last episode of The Truth.

That makes me sad.

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