Monday, July 10, 2023

Sure Love Me A Good Meme...

 Came across this gem the other day...


Of course, I took a screenshot of it, edited it, then sent it to my friend. This inevitably began a meme war between Steve and me. Why go through all the memes out there when you have someone who can find some of the best and just send them to you?

Not to say, his are the best, you understand. Some are...meh, but some...he hits it out of the park.

It's strange to think that our children will never know a world without funny pictures and captions not only available, but deliverable to anyone and everyone. It's so commonplace, I can't remember what life was like before the advent of the internet and cellphones. It's a different world. I know we shared funny things back in the "dark ages"...maybe we cut out comics from newspapers, or sent funny things via fax machines.

I'm sure we did. I just don't remember.

Of course, I'm not trying too hard to remember. I lived a majority of my life without the internet and especially cellphones. One thing humans will always do is to find humor in life and pass that humor along to others. Heck, who knows if the ancient cave art isn't funny memes that they understood at the time?

Yes, I love a good meme. The one above is one of the best...

A classic.

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