Thursday, July 13, 2023

It's Yard Sale Season And...It's Our Turn

 This time, it's our turn.

After years of yard sale shopping, the shoe is on the other foot. We were going to have a sale last fall, but that didn't happen. Then, we decided to have a sale in the spring. A wedding squashed those plans. We then had the great idea to have a yard sale after the wedding. That way we can try and get rid of all the stuff we bought for the wedding...

Plus, all that other stuff we've gathered over the months and years.

It's amazing how much stuff we have. Even if we get rid of all of it, we could turn around and have another one next week with just as much stuff...such is our life. And I don't think we're alone in this. Based on the number of storage units around us (and around everyone, it seems...), we all have a lot of stuff.

Having stuff isn't necessarily bad. People have to have some stuff to survive. Maybe that's why we've gathered so many know, in case we'll need them to survive, but I doubt we'll need a iMac from twenty years ago. Probably don't need that.

The sale is tomorrow and Saturday morning, 8am to 2pm. It's going to be a lot of work. I hope we can make people as happy as others have made us when we visited their sales.

Wish us luck.

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