Thursday, January 4, 2024

Green Thumbs And Lemons...

 Green thumbs and lemons.

We have family that live in Southern California. We visited them last month and it blows my mind that they can grow citrus trees in their backyard. And if that isn't enough, they can grow them also in their front yard, too. For someone who has only lived in areas north of the 38th Parallel, I've never been able to grow a citrus tree in our yard.

The alternative?

Grow the trees inside.

We tried once. Several years ago we bought a lemon tree and stuck it in the front room of our A-frame house. I thought the literal wall of windows would allow enough light to come in and provide our little lemon tree enough light to thrive. And it did, for a while anyway. Then, slowly at first, the tree began to fail until ultimately we had to throw it out.

Fast forward a decade or more. We didn't get a lemon tree, but my mother-in-law did and if there's anyone that can keep a plant alive, it's her. She had not just one green thumb, but another as well.

It's relatively new in her lemon tree adventure. She did harvest her first crop just before Christmas and brought us the proof. We also sampled the proof and it was delicious.

We're all hoping her tree does better than ours did. 

Time will tell.

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