
Friday, May 31, 2024

It's Like Having A Superpower...

 On this beautiful Utah Spring Afternoon, several of us gathered for a literary event at our local library looked into the sky. We saw an example of nature soaring overhead.

Personally, I thought it might be a golden eagle. It's hard to judge actual size when there's nothing to be used as comparison. I mean, it could be a golden eagle. A few around me seconded my opinion. We watched as the magnificent bird rode the air and circled above.

Then, it was gone.

A few minutes later, a writer friend arrived and set up his table. One thing about Ben, he's a birder. He knows birds. I told him of the bird that flew by and showed him a picture I snapped.

"What a beautiful red-tailed hawk," he said.

So, not an eagle.

It's like my friend has a superpower. 

Of course, when you break it down, it's all about knowledge. Ben knows a bird when he sees it, so when those of us who don't know such things find someone who does, that knowledge is impressive. That being said, I suppose most have their own superpower, knowledge they possess that others may not, and when you find someone who knows less than you about something, you're the superhero.

Today, it was birds, and Ben was that superhero.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

If You Happened To Be In Tremonton Tomorrow Afternoon...

 Tomorrow afternoon, from 4pm to 8pm at Sherman Park in Tremonton, Utah, an event will take place, a gathering of readers and writers of all ages. It's called the Summer Reading Kickoff Party.

If you're in the area, you ought to check it out.

Since moving north, I've participated in the event once, and attended a few more times. I contacted the library last month to make sure they knew I wanted to be one of the authors. Since then I haven't received an e-mail back, so I'm thinking my name might not be on the list of authors. Then again, they told me when it was, I know where it is, and I am a functioning adult. I can figure it out.

Even if my name's not on the list, the people are so nice up here, they'll figure something out.

Whenever I find myself surrounded by writers and readers, it seems to always be a good time. Writers (usually...) like other writers and like hanging out with them. Throw in readers--especially readers with cash to buy books--and you have yourself a party.

Again, if you're in the neighborhood tomorrow afternoon, drop in and say hello.

It's going to be fun.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Fruits (Or Vegetables...) Of Our Labors

 We've approaching our fourth summer in our house. When we moved in, the backyard was just dirt, and not your regular dirt, but this clay dirt that turned into cement when it got wet. Since we moved, we've put in a lawn, and two garden areas. This spring, we're getting closer to having the kind of gardens we want. And to do that, we need...

Grow boxes.

There are many ways to get grow boxes. The easiest way is to just buy them. You can buy from a store, or from someone who builds them out of their garage, or you can build them yourself. 

We chose Option #3.

And we used pallets for the wood.

Thanks to my friend Jeff, we were able to pick up some pallets he had at his work and we've used them to build three grow boxes and two tables. We're looking to build two more. Are they pretty? No. Do they work? That remains to be seen, but early reports show positive results. 

We have a smallish lot, but we're trying to be more self-sufficient. These will help us do just that.

Elevated grow boxes...the only way to garden.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Food For Thought...

 A few weeks ago I traveled to a little town in Central Utah for a ballroom dance recital. Because of when the event started, we did not get to have lunch before the event, so needless to say, when it was over around 4pm, I was starved.

Thankfully, a burger joint was right across the street.

As we waited for our order to be taken, I noticed a bulletin board with several thoughts attached to it. The caption atop the board said: Food for Thought...


Also, since this was a small town, the thoughts on the board reflect many of the feelings and opinions you can find in a small town, namely, patriotic. I don't get out of the state much. I wonder what kind of "thoughts" would be on a bulletin board at a burger joint in New York City, or Ft Lauderdale, or Fairbanks. I think the fewer the people, the more you'll see the same type of clippings I saw.

Then again, I know I'm stereotyping. Not everyone's the same no matter where they live.

I should say the food was delicious. I can't say for sure if it was because we were hungry, or if the small town atmosphere had something to do with it.

I'd definitely eat there again.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day...Remembering All Who Served

 For us, this Memorial Day weekend played out like many before it. We rested, we visited my parents's, my father-in-law's, and sister's graves at the Farmington Cemetery, we had a mini-family reunion, and we did yard work (not necessarily in that order...). Something that made the holiday different for me this year was finding my father's WWII B-17 crew information.

Something I've searched to find for years.

I've had a few photos, but to see the names, do internet searches, find out more about the men, they feel more real to me this year. I only wish I could have contacted them before they all passed away.

Such is life.

The day always makes me wish I had reached out to many who served in the military before they passed away. My father's brothers, for example. I've blogged many times about the fact that the Taylor's sent five sons to fight in WWII, and two more served after them in other wars. Thankfully, they all returned. Others were not so fortunate. The more I think about the family's sacrifice, the more impressed I am and the more honored that I can call them my uncles.

Too bad they--and millions of others who served--are gone.

I'm sensing a theme: wishing I could connect with those no longer here.

I suppose that's what the day is for...the holiday to remember, to appreciate, to hopefully learn by their actions, their sacrifice. We sometimes forget that the people who risked their lives for not only their families but for those they did not know including generations that have now been born. I know the world my children know would be vastly different had those brave people not stepped up when the call went out and changed everything.

Memorial honor those who served and appreciate the results of their decisions.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Give Thanks...Beautiful Views

 I found this picture of an office view. It reminded me of the time I had some awesome views while I worked in downtown Salt Lake City. The first time was back in the lat 1980s when I worked as an audio engineer for a software language learning company for Apple computers.

Great views.

I took a few jobs here and there until I found myself working again block south of my previous job. I worked on the third and fourth floors, being moved from cubicle to cubicle over the years. A few times I got to sit with incredible views of the eastern mountains and the University of Utah. I think those were my favorite.

For as long as there have been buildings, there have been windows, and by windows I mean, holes in the walls. I believe humans need to see out, to see beyond the structure to the world outside, and if we all lived in a tropical paradise and didn't need structures around us for protection (even though, there's no truly safe place on the planet...), we'd be able to be outside all day, all night.

The next best thing is to look out a window on a beautiful view.

I'm thankful for where I've worked. I' thankful for those wonderful views. Today, after working full time for close to forty years, I work at home, in a small bedroom-turned-office. I have a widow that looks east toward an amazing mountain range and our nectarine tree. Of course in my home, one window does not a complete picture make. I also get awesome views when I take a few steps from the office and see my home and family.

The best views of all.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

A Tale Of Two Photos - One Allowed...One Not

 I notice the sign at our local grocery store. Yes, we live in a community where you can buy ammunition with your breakfast cereal and lasagna. The sign made me laugh for a couple of reasons. First, to show that our local store sells ammo, and when I went to post it for the Pic Of The Day, I noticed quotation marks around the words "DO NOT." 

Funny stuff.

Apparently, a certain social media site didn't think so.

I usually post my Pic Of The Day first, then I write my blog post. I then check to see if my picture generated any comments. I thought the ammo sign would attract comments, especially from my writer friends. Not only did no one comment on it, but the reason why is because the photo was removed from the social media site. 


"It looks like you tried to buy, sell (should have a comma here...) or exchange items that governments have restricted or banned."

Give me a freaking break.

After a few minutes, I decided I wanted that picture as my Pic Of The Day. A quick note--I posted that picture to five social media sites. Only one took issue. I took the photo and did some editing. I marked over the word ammo. Then, I fuzzed out all the boxes of ammo so a person couldn't tell what the store was selling. I posted the edited photo and waited...


They apparently did not have a problem with the second photo. 

Will the social media site have a problem if I post a picture of a woman in a bikini? I highly doubt it. Still, those in charge can do whatever they want. Interesting how they only ban thing they themselves feel should be banned.

I try not to be political on this blog. And I don't think this is a political issue...just a hypocritical one.

And if you didn't see the original photo, here it is:

Friday, May 24, 2024

Our Old House...Gone Goth

 Even though we moved almost four years ago, I find myself in my old home town many times throughout the year. We still go to our dentist, and my side gig in the fall is at the amusement park. One thing I don't do every time I return is drive down the old dead end road to where I used to live. 

Of course, you'd expect changes--nothing stays the same forever, but I didn't expect the one change that greeted me when I saw the home we built over twenty years ago...

Our old house gone goth.

Don't get me wrong--I love the bold choice, and maybe to you, painting the house completely black is not bold. When we designed the house, it took us a while to decide what colors we wanted to paint the outside We settled on a nice seemed to go with the surroundings. Then, before we left, we paid good money to paint the entire house a deeper shade of green. Personally, I loved it. The house looked great.

So, when we rounded the corner and saw the house newly painted again, I thought they really wanted a black house because they didn't need to re-paint the thing.

I'm sure there's more changes inside--there must be, some we'd love, some...not so much. Still, it's their house and it reflects their personality.

Everything changes. Our little house at the end of the street (no longer ours...) exists no more.

But, that's the way it's supposed to be.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Sometimes, I Just Like Photographing Flowers...

 This is the weekend of flowers. I know Pasadena can claim flower season for one weekend at the end/beginning of the year, but for the rest of us (in the Northern Hemisphere...) spring is flower time.

And we're trying to do our part.

A few years ago we planted a couple of rose bushes, then a year later, we added a third. They're about to pop.

Back in the day, my mom would take a tour around her yard each Memorial Day and gather flowers to place on her husband's gravesite. After we built a house across the street and planted our own flowers, then it was our turn to continue the tradition. And when my mother passed away, we were gathering flowers for two.

Now, we have plants we can cut and take to the cemetery this weekend, and another family member. I know that you can buy plants in almost every store in the country this weekend, but there's something about taking something beautiful from your home and leaving it as a token to a loved one no longer there...

It's special.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Hockey, Or Music...? That Is The Question

 There's a building in downtown Salt Lake City that may not exist in the near future. Many of my friends cannot even consider the fact that anyone would want the building gone, but it's an option. You see, professional hockey is coming to town so that means changes.

I don't think anyone would believe those changes would go that far.

I have perhaps a unique perspective on the issue. You see, the two buildings at odds are the Abravanel Hall where the Utah Symphony performs, and the Delta Center, where the as-of-yet-named pro hockey team will play. In order to lure the team to Salt Lake City, changes in downtown need to be made, which means the symphony hall might have to go.

Why is my perspective unique?

Because I've performed at Abravanel Hall, and I've worked in the Delta Center. No, I was not a professional symphony member, nor did I play professional basketball, but I did sing with the symphony on several occasions and I did work with the Utah Jazz Dancers during the first two years of their existence. 

What's my opinion? I don't have all the facts. Apparently, the symphony hall needs major renovations--in other words, money. And the hockey establishment needs accommodations--in other words, money. I have many friends on social media, many from my performing days, and many sports enthusiasts. They have different views on what should happen...big time.

I have no idea what's going to happen. My hope they can both get what they need/want. However, whatever happens, a lot of money will need to be involved. 

Hockey or music? Time will tell.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

This Year's Writing Cantina Conference Will Have Some Amazing Panelists...And I'll Be There, Too

In little over a month, I'm going to do something I haven't done in a long time...

Be a panelist at a writing conference.

I've missed it.

Back in 2013 I started my panelist journey, and when I look back on it, it's still hard to believe. In a matter of months, I went from never having participated on a panel, to being part of the state's largest conferences and conventions. 

It was a rush!

I was sitting with best-selling authors, artists, filmmakers. I had a blast and made several life-long friends. Over the next couple of years I was able to remain on panels, but then something happened...I sort of stopped getting asked, and I didn't want to be one of those "needy" authors basically begging to participate. If anyone's to blame, it would be me. I stopped producing, stopped creating content. And when you do that as a writer, you sort of run out of things to sell...ah, I mean, say.

Last month, I re-committed myself to the craft, and I've gotten a lot done since then. This year's Writers Cantina writing conference takes place June 28-29 in West Valley City, Utah. I will be on a screenwriting panel with Blake Casselman, a good friend who I credit with helping me become a panelist way back when.

If you'd like information on the event, click: HERE for details. I'd love to see you there. I can't wait to just back in.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Hoping For Almonds This Year...

 A few years ago we planted several trees in our un-treed yard. Most were fruit trees, but we found an almond tree and bought it. 

Before we bought the almond tree, we did research to see if it would grow in our area. I do have some experience with almond trees. Growing up, there grew bitter almond trees on the mountain side. I have no idea if they are native to Utah so it's possible a human planted them, or maybe birds dropped seeds. However they got there, they grew.

Last year I saw one almond seed growing on the tree, but I lost track of it and it ended up falling from the tree or getting picked off--I don't know which. I do know, we harvested no almonds last year. Yesterday, I went outside and saw numerous almonds this spring.

Now, will they make it all the way to ripe?

Time will well.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Give Thanks...Finally Saw Them, But Almost Gave Up, Again

 Last week millions of Americans witness one of nature's greatest displays, something reserved for those living close to the poles. I've been on this planet for close to six decades and in all that time, I never witness the Northern Lights...

Until last week.

The strangest thing is, I almost missed it.

My first memory is trying to see the lights came when I was a child. We were visiting family in Driggs, Idaho and the adults were saying the Northern Lights might be visible. I remember standing out in the cold Eastern Idaho night and looking in the sky. I saw nothing. I can't remember if anyone did that night.

Since then, I've always wanted to see the lights, but they eluded me. The last time we might get to see them in Utah, I went outside and...nothing. Bummer.

With all the hype this time, I was sure we'd see them. At 10:30pm on Saturday night we loaded up the van--dog included--and drove to the Utah/Idaho boarder. As we drove, I couldn't see them. During the day before, we had clouds and as we drove north, I kept seeing what I thought were clouds. We exited the highway and drove down a dark street where a dozen or so other cars were already there. 

We saw it. The sky in the north was brighter than in the south. What I thought was clouds were actually the nights. I got out my Nikon and took a long exposure shot. We climbed back in the car and drove home.

I thought they'd be more impressive, but I was glad to have seen them.

The kids went to bed and I finally got to look at the picture of the lights. A green haze within the stars. Cool. I wasn't ready to go bed, so I took the Nikon outside to see if I could catch anything. I mean, we had more light pollution than Idaho, but I tried anyway. After taking a couple of pictures, I realized, the show was just starting.

I went inside buzzing. I showed my wife what the camera caught and we got the boys back up and we went outside again. This time, it was incredible. Blues, greens, purples, pinks, lines of colors shifting and changing. My wife, son, and I stayed up for more than an hour just looking at the lights. I took so many pictures, not all turned out, and they paled in comparison to others posted online, but I didn't care.

I finally saw them. They were worth the wait.

Had I not decided to give it one more chance and try again to the see the Northern Lights, I would have gone to bed knowing I had seen the light, but not really, not seeing what was really there.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Recognizing History...

 In a rural Utah town a banner hangs in the city's rec center listing the name of all county citizens who served in America's wars. We searched for a familiar name, and under the World War 1 list, we found it.

My wife's grandfather.

The man survived. In fact, based on the family stories, he was drafted and was sent, but returned because the war had ended. Still...his name is listed with hundreds/thousands of others, names of those who served in World War 1, World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, and all the wars since.

They raised kids differently back then, back when victory meant superior numbers, number of soldiers, number of guns, planes, tanks, ships, bullets. Families sent their children to war. They felt they owed the country back for all the things the country gave to them. Now, a fraction of soldiers fight wars, the winner is determined by who has the best tech. I doubt many families would react to a war the same way now as the country did for both world wars, and all the rest. 

The lists give us the names, but do not tell us who they were, who they left behind, what they saw and did. For that information, we rely on family histories, journals, photographs. Only they can tell us what happened to them.

Of all the names, some returned, others did not...

But all served. It's important to remember the names, because from the list containing my wife's grandfather, none of them are left.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Ah...The Job Search Begins

 It is time. 

Our youngest graduated from a one-year construction management course and he's ready to hit the streets and find a job. Ah...the memories. I think things were different back when I was his age. Of course, that's what old people always say, but it must be true. When I was his age, I wasn't trained like he was. No, I was starting my education journey. It took years for that to complete that.

But, before, during, and even after I got my degree, I was out there, looking for work, doing whatever it took to pay for food and gas for the VWs. Plus, throw in cash for dates and I was happy. I know my son is excited to get out there, but it's tough. 

Doing a little Facebook-surfing, I spotted a construction company looking for help. Truth be told, he has experience, but not a lot. I don't know if they are looking for newbies like him. Then there's the work itself. The listed jobs are not the kinds he most likes. Still, when you're starting out, choosy is not something you can or should be.

He's still looking. We're hoping we can find a crew he can join, better learn the trade, and begin his career. I remember those days. They were tough, but then...

That's the way they're supposed to be.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Yes...We Created A Franken-Fan...

 You've most likely seen the ads...another brilliant invention to make your already crazy life a little bit better. Actually, the first time I saw one of these things, I was impressed. They created a ceiling fan that can be placed in any ceiling light fixture...

Well, almost any.

We seem to be (yet, again...), the exception that proves the rule. 

Oh, we could have left this thing in our ceiling, but our problem is we have those new-fangled lights that come with their own accent surrounding the light (I don't know what they're called...). In our old house we just replaced the bulb. Now, we have to replace the entire thing.

We took out the unit, and put in the fan. It did go around and around, but since the socket is so high into the ceiling, the fan barely had an inch or two clearance. This means, it couldn't get any air above it to force down. Plus, there was a huge hole with the fan sticking out of it.

No go.

We liked the fan itself, so much so, we thought of how we could us it in the kitchen. The kitchen's the real problem, especially in the summer if you need to use the oven or the gas burners. We wondered why they didn't install a ceiling fan in the kitchen like they did in the living room when they built the house. We got a floor fan and put it on the island in the kitchen. We turned it on and found out why kitchen fans aren't necessarily ideal.

The wind whips the flames on burners and messes with the heating process.


We decided to try something new. We went downstairs and brought up a three-light lamp. I took off the housing and put in the fan in one of the lights. The Franken-Fan actually works great, just don't walk into it. 

We know we'll only be using it for a few months so we're going to keep the experiment going. Luckily, I don't have hair that can get tangled in the thing...

Other people in my family are not so lucky.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Just A Few Photos Of Clouds...

 After work, I went outside to do some yard work. It needs doing, and truth be told, we're a little behind schedule on our projects. One nice thing about this afternoon was cloud cover. We're not close to the hottest part of the year, but even now, a sunny afternoon is still a bit warm. Another thing cloud cover provides is...

Amazing skies.

I've lost count how many times I've blogged about our skies in Northern Utah. I'm consistently blown away by the beauty, the overwhelming grandeur of the scenes overhead. Tonight, while taking a break I took out my phone and just aimed it up. I snapped a couple of pictures and here's what I saw.

Except, it isn't. Cameras are limited and many times they cannot capture the brilliance I see. Imagine instead of a photograph with borders and limitations, a sky stretching in every direction.

I wonder if I'll ever stop taking random pictures of the clouds above. I can tell you this, as long as they're as stunning as they were this afternoon...

I'll keep shooting.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

An Oldie...But A Goodie

 You know how it is, you think about something you don't necessarily need but something that would make your life better. Then, you do a little innocent searching on-line for said item and...

There it is.

And only twenty miles away.

For us, twenty miles is the next town over, or in other words...pretty close. We were looking for a bigger freezer for the garage. We looked a new ones and passed. They didn't need to be that nice. So, we checked on-line classifieds and saw a few, but they were either too expensive or too far away. We sort of gave up on the idea, thinking we'd occasionally look to see if there was something out there. 

That's when I found it, reasonably priced and close--two of the things we were were looking for in a freezer. I messaged the seller and made arrangements to come out the next morning. When we arrived, we found out more about the freezer...the more we learned, the more we wanted it. We made the deal and took it home.

It's a Whirlpool, built in 1981 and sold through ZCMI. The seller told us the freezer came with the house so it's possible it's been sitting in that outdoor shed since 1981. Both my wife and I laughed when we saw the ZCMI sticker. The seller had no idea what ZCMI was.

We laughed again.

I posted the picture on social media and received many comments about how reliable freezers built during that era are and many are still kicking today. I wonder why that didn't translate to the auto industry.

I have no idea how long it will keep freezing--hopefully, a long time. For us, it was a steal, and the longer it runs, the bigger the steal it is.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Another Year For The Retreat To The House On The Hill...

 Spring...many look forward to the season to witness new life in nature, to feel the sun on their face, to shed the winter clothes and venture forth in t-shirts, shorts, and sandals.

There's another reason, of course, but it's a bit obscure. If you listen carefully, you'll hear the siren's song, when writers pack up their laptops and head for the hills...or one hill, to be exact.

For the first time in many years I found myself able to take time off from work and attend the writing retreat in person. I've missed the past couple of years due to "life," but this year, things were looking up. The first day or two of the week we had planned to so some much-needed work around the house, then when I was planning to leave, I got hit with a cough. It wasn't so bad that I couldn't function, but bad enough I didn't want to be hold up (yes, hold up...) in a house with several other authors trying to turn blood, sweat, and tears into art. 

I stayed home.

All is not lost. Those who put together the writing retreat each year encourage everyone to create no matter where they are, be they at the hill house, or in their own house. 

This year, instead of pounding out words for stories yet un-written, I worked on two stories that need editing. Then, I did something I haven't done in almost a decade...I submitted part of a manuscript to see of the publisher is interested. 

Submitted a story is like pushing the button to launch a bomb. It's scary, exciting, maddening, nerve-racking, but at times, needs to be done. I've submitted several stories in the past--mostly short stories--but the feeling is the same and hasn't stopped conjuring those emotions. Maybe that will change in the future...

Maybe not.

Even though I did not write 43k or 45k words as some at the retreat did (unbelievable...), I feel it was a success. I've needed to kick those stories out of the nest for years. 

I'm again making it a goal to attend in person next year. I came closer this year than I did the past couple. I suppose that's what the retreat is really all about...setting goals to improve, to create, to push yourself for the benefit of mankind. 

Must be spring.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Give Thanks...Albert Brooks's Film "Mother"

People have holiday traditions, especially when it comes to entertainment. It's tradition for some families to go see a movie on Christmas, Memorial Day, Valentines Day. This year in our house we decided to pull up Albert Brooks's incredible slice-of-life dromedy Mother, starting Brooks and Debbie Reynolds.

If you haven't seen it, you definitely should. I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up.

Without giving too much away, newly divorced writer John Henderson (Brooks...) decides to move in with his widowed mother (Reynolds...). Together, they work side-by-side, albeit not always smoothly, to figure out life's questions and to find peace. If you're familiar with Brooks's work, you'll recognize his comedic genius in the writing, and the performances. It's a great film.

This year, Mother's Day has been different for me. It's the first year I have knowledge of my birth mother and her incredible family. We met in person last month. When I first saw pictures of my birth mother, I was shocked at how much she resembles Debbie Reynolds.

Perhaps you would agree.

I've watched Mother several times, but just as this Mother's Day is different, watching the show was different. From what I've learned about my birth mom, I doubt she and the character Reynolds portrayed on the film were similar. Still...watching the beautiful actress on film and thinking about the beautiful woman in the photos, it struck me different this year.

I'm thankful for the past six months I've had. I'm thankful I found her and her family. I'm thankful for Mr. Brooks's talent and his bravery for making the film. 

I think we have a new Mother's Day family tradition.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

As For Me In My House...It's Mammoth

There's electricity in the air in Utah...that is, if you're a sports fan. No, our NBA team did not make the playoffs. It's something else, something announced on April 18th, 2024, something involving huge men slamming into each other, all in an attempt to place a black hunk of rubber into a nylon net. Oh, they're wearing skates and flying across frozen water.

NHL is coming to Utah.

The owner, Mr. Smith, conducted a pole: what should the name of the team be? Smart marketing move, except there will always be those who think whatever name they chose is stupid. So many names, so many A.I.-created logos. Of them all, in my heart, one has risen above the rest...

Utah Mammoth.

I love this one. It's unique--so much crazy new merchandise can be created with this name. There's nothing like it out there. Experts will say no mammoths have been found in Utah. By looking at our NBA team you realize that argument holds no weight.

I lifted this picture from Ryan Uffens (@ryanuffens on X...). I've been watching X lately. It seems Mammoth is picking up momentum. I showed my wife the logo and she went, "Huh." I then told her of what someone on X said would be really cool...on the center ice circle, they should have a huge picture of a frozen mammoth incased in ice, about to bust out and create hockey havoc at every game.

She loved that.

So, my unofficial pole, Utah Mammoth is 2-0. 

Of course, if they choose something else, it will be awesome. They'll hopefully come up with some great marketing/color schemes. Whatever happens, I am excited for the future, be it mammoths or yetis or something else. It's a great time for sports in Utah.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Yeah...It's A Scam

 This one was interesting. Since I do (or try to do...) a lot of writing, I am on my computer many hours of the day, not including while at my day job. When you're on the computer, if you're like me, you check out social media posts from time to time. I've seen my share of scams, both on social media and almost every e-mail I receive...

So many scams.

Yesterday, I see the above add pop up on my Facebook timeline. I've seen posts like this before..."We're having a moving sale and need to clear everything out," or "We're decluttering and we're sick of all this stuff--come and get it." But this one, was different.

The seller was an author friend. I have literally hundreds of author Facebook friends, many of whom I've never met. This isn't unusual. I think all authors have friended other authors without actually meeting them. So, I started reading and if someone could have crafted the perfect ad for my family at this point in time, this would have been it. Sure, we could use the other stuff, but I have two sons looking for transportation. The youngest...a truck, the other, a reliable car. This ad had both, and for prices that would make a miser cry (namely, me...). Plus, they were selling a tractor for dirt cheap and we just ordered five tons of gravel that needs to be moved.

Still, I was leery. The prices were too good to be true, but you never know unless you ask. I began a text dialogue with my Facebook "friend."

I thought, what the heck...I'll continue, even though the response contained several grammatical errors.

I can forgive errors on a text, as my response includes a misspelled word, but this is supposed to be a writer, and she should know better. Then again, maybe she was just excited to have someone come and take these things off her hands.

I was still thinking this was a scam, and her next response confirmed it--pay a deposit, to me a sure scam sign. I thought I'd give her a test just to make sure.

All of our mutual Facebook friends are writers. I'm involved in a writing conference coming up next month called the Writers Cantina. I thought I'd throw it out to see if she was coming, or at least, say something about it. That's the response I got. "Don't talk about other things, I have stuff to sell."

I thought I'd give her one more chance.

She didn't bite. She returned to the deposit, then surprisingly, asked if I was a bot. That made me laugh. I asked for some specific information from her to see if it was really her, and she blew it off. I told her we weren't interested and wished her with the relocation of "her father."

That's the thing about want them to be real so badly. If this were real and we bought the two vehicles and the tractor, we'd be saving around $25k, and that's after paying the posted price.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I go back to the old adage: it's it sounds too good to be true...

It probably is.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

We Lost Another Classmate...Another Great Guy

I didn't see the news until the day of the funeral...another person from my graduating class--a graduating class turning forty years old this year--is no longer with us, no longer here. It's sobering when someone your age passes away.

I knew of Mike, popular kid, football star, big smile, chicks loved him...these are my high school memories of Mike. I'll bet we spoke at one time...we were classmates since jr high, a total of seven years. He may have known of me--I was good friends with his good friends. That's how it is in high school. Everyone knows everyone else, but you only know a few well.

Our class has held four reunions since we were last together in June, 1984. I attended three. We have one upcoming this fall. To prepare people have gathered on Facebook to offer suggestions, get news on the events, and keep in touch until we again meet. Someone remembered those who will not be attending, those who have passed away. It turned into a "did you hear that so-and-so also died" post where many contributed.

I added two names.

It was sobering remembering the two--one I knew since Kindergarten, as well as seeing the names of classmates I didn't know so well...realizing they will not be there when we meet.

The series of building add-ons where we gathered for school, where we ate in the cafeteria, studied in the rooms, were bullied in the halls, watched and participated in sporting events is gone. It was demolished and a new beautiful school now stands in its place. Like Mike and the others who have passed on, a new building cannot replace the original, cannot replicate walking in the main building built in 1914, or seeing us students in our Ocean Pacific shirts, Nike shoes, and Levis jeans as we passed each other in the halls while holding our Trapper Keepers and making sure on to step on the tiled D.

Reading Mike's obituary, I realized we lived similar lives, both in school and beyond. We both raised families close to the school we attended. We both attended college, we both worked and spent quality time with friends and family. I wish I had known him better. As I get old, I wish I had gotten to know more people when I had the chance. After all, it's the relationships you have with others that can bring such wonderful memories.

The reunion's in a few months. They'll be one less invitation to send...

Let's I hope that's all there'll be.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Some See Free Pallets - Some See Free Grow Boxes...With A Lot Of Work


I give you the pallet, something that allows modern civilization to exist. The pallet allows for tons of food to be delivered to your store, and then, to your homes. I can't imagine how we would transport and store the food, the auto parts, the clothing, basically everything in our modern lives.

Because pallets are so important, it goes to reason that you can find pallets everywhere. Drive by any industrial part of town and you'll see pallets. And not only are they important for their original purpose, do a quick internet search on the things you can make with free pallets. 

It's endless.

With enough pallets you can build your own shed or even a home. We're not looking to build either, but something more simple...grow boxes. 

I have a friend who runs several businesses. He's got the Midas touch, very successful. I messaged him a few weeks ago to see if he had any pallets lying around that he no longer uses/needs. He did, and we drove down to his business and picked up a few. Such a nice gesture. I saw the above post in our local town Facebook group. We've gathered the pallets and will hopefully gather more, then...

The hard work begins.

My wife and son have drawn up some plans on how we want our backyard garden to look. It's going to take time, but it could be something great.

I'll keep you posted.