Monday, May 6, 2024

Day One Of The Writing Retreat...Editing

 About a hundred miles to the south of me, many of my friends have gathered at a famous house on the hill. They've spent the day writing, editing, eating, sharing jokes, and tonight after dinner, they may be playing an epic board game.

It's a writing retreat.

I'm participating, but remotely, at least for the first couple of days. I hope to join the group hopefully later. Today was supposed to be a day of yard work, but cold wet weather kept me mostly inside. Did I get much writing done? Nope. Today was a day for editing.

I've got two stories that need to see the light of day. One, I'm going to self-publish. The other, could catch the eye of a publisher. That would be fun.

It's been years since I read the first eight chapters of the story. When you write a book you read and re-read your words so often, you can get sick of them. Having not read those chapters for such a long time, I found I enjoyed reading it, even finding myself surprised at some of the words, the sentences. 

I hope others feel the same.

Tomorrow is Day 2 (actually, Day 3 if you count Sunday night...) of the retreat. We may get to the yard tomorrow and I know we have other errands to run, but I hope to continue editing the same story.

We'll see what happens.

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