Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Next Services...93 Miles

 Last weekend we took a trip west. We live close to the Utah/Idaho boarder and are well situated if you're traveling to Boise or Idaho Falls. It's also a straight-shot drive to Las Vegas and L.A., but if you're going to Reno or San Francisco, you have choices.

Before we set out, we checked our options since we've never traveled I-80 from here. We had three options. One headed north, then south, then west. The other had us back-track for 30 or 40 miles, and the third took us west of the Great Salt Lake on a two-lane road until we met up with I-80 somewhere east of Wells. 

We chose Option #2.

On the way home, however, we chose Option #3. The weather was much better than it was when we started out, and the one thing that worried us--driving 93 miles without services--was no big deal, because on the way to Lake Tahoe, we drove several stretches where services were few and far between.

We took the exit at mile marker 378 and headed northeast. Before we set out on the long road, we changed drivers. There was a metal sign devoid of any advertising. I wondered why in the world would someone put up a sign out there. Then, my gaze moved right and I saw the remnants of a gas station complete with pumps and buildings. 

I wondered how long did they hold out until they gave up the ghost? Did it close due to the owner passing away or just not wanting to do it anymore? Or, did some government regulate the business to death?

I also wonder if anyone will ever decide to resurrect the business, create a petrol oasis in the middle of a long road. The chances aren't good, but it's fun to think about.

The drive was uneventful. We saw 30 cars on our 93 mile drive and made it home even faster. It was definitely the road less traveled.

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