Monday, January 28, 2019

Get Ready Everyone...Emily Butler's "Freya & Zoose" Arrives On The 29th!

A perk of getting to know authors is to share the excitement of a book launch. Over the past half decade I've met many authors in various degrees of publishing success. Tomorrow another friend will wake up and be able to proclaim to the world, "My book lives today!"

That book is Freya & Zoose.

And that author is Emily Butler.

Freya & Zoose is a children's book, but as with most great children's literature, it's not just for children, or to put it another way, it appeals to the child in all of us, reminding us of the child we once were. Here's a taste of the book from its Amazon web page:

Freya has always craved--and feared--adventure. Traipsing all over the world is simply not what dignified rockhopper penguins do. But when she hears about Captain Salomon August Andrée's hot-air balloon expedition to the North Pole, Freya packs her copy of Hints to Lady Travellers and hops on board.

Only moments after leaving land, Freya discovers a fellow stowaway! Meet Zoose, the scrappy, uncouth mouse whose endless wisecracks and despicable manners make him a less-than-ideal travel companion.

When the hot-air balloon is forced to land in the Arctic, these polar opposites must learn how to get along. Their very survival depends on it.

Another amazing benefit that comes from knowing several authors is getting to know the stories of how their book came to be, the struggles, the heartaches, the highs and lows that is the writing and publishing process. I know Freya & Zoose was not an overnight venture, or even something that went from literary thought to finished product in weeks or months. This one, like almost all books, took a long time.

The book is illustrated by Jennifer Thermes who drew over fifty illustrations for this publication. If you are interested in picking up Freya & Zoose for yourself, you can order it on its Amazon page by clicking: HERE. Or you can check out Emily's website for more information about her and the book. You can reach that by clicking: HERE.

A book launch is an exiting and nerve wracking experience. Tomorrow it's Emily's, Jennifer's, Freya's and Zoose's turn. What a great day to launch a book!

Emily Butler

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