Friday, March 10, 2023

2023...Or 1983?

 Had it been cold enough earlier today, we would have had a foot of snow--at least--dump on our already snow-covered ground. But, the temperature turned warm and so we got rain...

Lots of rain instead of lots of snow.

Like many places across the country, we have hit the jackpot as far as precipitation this winter. Like many others, my back hurts from shoveling all the snow. Those old enough remember another year in Utah when the state received above-average snowfall. 


Are we headed for a repeat?

1983 was incredible. Our little town of Farmington made worldwide new when a mudslide destroyed a dozen or so houses just up the street from where we lived. My brother was living in Japan at the time and saw the devastation on their news. It was the summer and I was about to enter my senior year of high school. The mudslide was only one disaster that hit the state that spring and summer. A small town was flooded after a mountain slid and dammed a river in central Utah. The Great Salt Lake increased its size threatening to flood Interstate 15. And runoff from a Salt Lake City river overflowed so they diverted the water down the middle of the state's capital city. You can see video of most of these events by clicking: HERE.

We're a little apprehensive about where we now live. Earlier today I spoke to a city firefighter after picking up some sandbags. I told him we were relatively new to the area and asked him how bad he thinks the flooding will be. He asked if we knew the history of our house during wet years. We told him it was a new house. We're thinking we'll be okay, at least, we hope we will. We live on a hill but you never know--there's been so much water.

Forty years ago we watched storm after storm dump record amounts of snow...just like this year. I pray if it is as bad, the state rallies and performs miracles just like before.

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