Thursday, March 16, 2023

If You Could Would You Want To Go Back In Time To See A Classic Film...?

 Would you ever want to go back in time and experience something you love for the first time?

Case in point...apparently people film themselves watching classic movies to capture their reactions on YouTube.

I had no idea.

My wife came across a YouTube channel a few months back. It's called the Rob Squad. You can access their YouTube channel by clicking: HERE. The couple sits and either watches a film they've never before seen or listen to a famous song neither has heard before. The lure of these YouTube channels is to experience what makes these songs or music so great with someone listening or seeing the art for the first time.

It's almost hypnotic.

I've watched several of these videos as the couple watches movies most of us watched when they came out years and decades ago...films like Footloose, The Shining, The Harry Potter Series, The Lord of the Rings series, Back to the Future, Steel Magnolias, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Shawshank Redemption, Field of Dreams, and many many more. For whatever reason, the Rob Squad have never seen these films. To me, it's hard to believe, but it's true. As I watch the couple watch and react to films I love, I'm a bit jealous of them. They get to experience the wonder, the joy, the heartache, the pure pleasure these films draw from those who see them. It conjures feelings and memories of when we watched them and how we felt as the stories unfold.

But, if I think about it. I would not have wanted to wait years and decades to experience these feelings, to see these shows. No, if given the choice, I'd rather have seen the films when I did than wait. Even though I'd be older and (hopefully...) more mature, I'd prefer to see things when I saw them.

Still, it's fun to watch others go through the same things you did.

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