Thursday, March 9, 2023

Books Delivered...Let's Get Conferencing!

 It's been a while since a box full of books has been delivered to our front door. It used to be more of a regular occurrence back when I attending writing conferences and conventions. Back then, my main goal was to try and sell as many copies of my works as possible.

Then life happened.

Of course, there was the shutting down of almost all public gatherings. That'll put a crimp in your plans...and it did. But even before that, at one of the biggest conventions in my state I had stopped trying to sell any books or get on any panels that leads to book sales. I turned my attention and energy toward being part of the programming team. When I did that something had to give, and what gave was selling books.

Then, I moved north. There's fewer people up here. Many times fewer people translate to fewer opportunities for people to gather. At least, that's what I thought. I've seen a dozen or more chances to set up a table and try and introduce my neighbors to my stories. The problem was, I had very little inventory to sell, so I haven't done much of anything.

Maybe it's because it's a new year...maybe it's because I had some money leftover from my Halloween gig--whatever it was, I placed an order for a couple of dozen books. They arrived today.

Opening a box of books that you wrote is still an incredible feeling, even though the book is over five years old. I need to order some other books, anthologies that have my short stories to where I feel like I have enough product to give people some options. I need to kick-start my writing life.

A box of new books to sell is a great way to do that.

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