Thursday, May 30, 2024

If You Happened To Be In Tremonton Tomorrow Afternoon...

 Tomorrow afternoon, from 4pm to 8pm at Sherman Park in Tremonton, Utah, an event will take place, a gathering of readers and writers of all ages. It's called the Summer Reading Kickoff Party.

If you're in the area, you ought to check it out.

Since moving north, I've participated in the event once, and attended a few more times. I contacted the library last month to make sure they knew I wanted to be one of the authors. Since then I haven't received an e-mail back, so I'm thinking my name might not be on the list of authors. Then again, they told me when it was, I know where it is, and I am a functioning adult. I can figure it out.

Even if my name's not on the list, the people are so nice up here, they'll figure something out.

Whenever I find myself surrounded by writers and readers, it seems to always be a good time. Writers (usually...) like other writers and like hanging out with them. Throw in readers--especially readers with cash to buy books--and you have yourself a party.

Again, if you're in the neighborhood tomorrow afternoon, drop in and say hello.

It's going to be fun.

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