Monday, January 24, 2011

And so, it begins...

So, somehow you've stumbled on this humble little site. A little about me. I'm a (hopefully...) middle-age father of four with a wife, a cat, a dog, a mortgage, two jobs, a minivan, and several writing projects suspended in the air hoping at least one allows me to provide for my family from the written word. Time will tell, of course. Time will tell...

The truth is, I wanted to start another blog for some time, even though I have a perfectly good blog collecting dust in cyberspace somewhere which reminds me of several pair of shoes and a couple of sweaters currently collecting dust in my closet. But you probably don't care about why I've begun this little literary adventure--you just want to read something funny, something that takes less than 10 seconds to scan and that will hopefully make your day just a little bit better.

I'll do what I can. That's my promise. I'd like to say this will be a daily pursuit, but I think we both know that's probably not true. To quote a great flick: "We are men of action; lies do not become us."

And if you're wondering why in the name of all that's holy is this blog titled as it is, all I can say is as a child my cousins called me that, a tradition continued by my sister-in-law (someone, by the way, I knew existed before my brother did while I lived 5000 miles away from her and he lived 15 miles from her, but that's another story...) to this day, much provides literally seconds of enjoyment to almost all who are lucky enough to hear her say those words, "Scotty Watty Doodle All The Day."

Let's hope we have a good time as we interact and explore and entertain an inform. We shall see...

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